1. Walking around in circles before settling
Ever wondered why your dog trots about in perfect circles before deciding which is the best spot to finally retire in? Maybe that’s exactly what they’re doing; deciding which part of their bed will be most comfortable, or even safe. Perhaps they’re trying to locate which spot of the room will give them the best view of the room that they’re situated in before they become vulnerable and asleep. We must say, whatever the reason may be, it’s pretty great to watch.
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2. Barking incessantly at the postman
Yep, happens to the best of us. Our dogs just seem to have a severe dislike for postmen. We can only assume that dogs believe that the friendly neighbourhood postie is an intruder and – as born protectors – your dog is trying to look after his family. Quite sweet really, eh? Try and introduce your pet to the postman so he sees him as less of a threat and you can all live together in perfect harmony.
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3. Jumping straight into pits of smelliness
Well, dogs simply cannot get enough of smelly things. Our beagle, Doug, adores horse poo – but why? Because he wants to mask his own scent. In the wild, dogs would aim to disguise their smell so that they have a better chance of hunting.
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4. Chasing your neighbours poor mog
Well, this isn’t necessarily all dogs. Some of you lucky owners have dogs who are complete cat lovers – congratulations! Unfortunately, for some of us life isn’t so simple. Dogs are natural born hunters who will chase unfamiliar breeds, but (thankfully) cats manage to clock an impressive 30mph so can usually out-pace their predators.
www.memepress.wpgoods.com |
5. Eating grass – yum!
Doesn’t sound very appetising to us, either. Dogs are clever animals – they know that eating grass will help their digestion (well, it’s really the fibre) and is quite common in younger dogs. Some say that dogs eat grass when they feel ill; they know that the grass will make them vomit so that they’ll feel better. If your dog shows signs of being unwell, make sure you give the vet a quick call;
Petwise offer a 24/7 helpline for all your pet needs.
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